Monday, 7 June 2010

Importance of Human Resources

Human Resource is defined as those set of individuals who work for an organization and consist of work force of a particular company or management. Human resource is an essential term which gives its services to an organization in terms of effective policies, employee recruitment and to manage the overall important job responsibilities. Human resource is also abbreviated as HR. It is also termed as “scientific management”.

Like other departments, Human resources work in a department which is named as Human Resources Department. The role of this department is to maintain healthy relationship between employees and management. So, it conveys important instructions and changes, as told by the senior authorities. They prepare job profiles, job descriptions and job responsibilities for every appointment including salary, tenure and operating procedures etc.

Human resource has become a requirement for today’s management system. It is not easy to command set up of official departments. So to control the strength of employees and educate them with certain legal and professional demands, human resource works as a bridge between management and employee culture. Human Resources play an important role to corporate with a range of co- workers by using available resources. Hence, HR helps in cohesion of the workers to promote the desired layout of departments. Hence, without an HR department, no organization is complete.

HR Resume


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